Pondering John 21:15-25

You can click HERE to read the passage.

The question that comes to my mind after reading and pondering this passage is this: If I were sitting around a campfire with Jesus and He were to ask me, “Do you love me?”, how would I respond?

I would be tempted to answer something like this: Of course I love You. I’ve been to seminary and I’m a pastor and have worked in a church for over 30 years. I’ve preached, I’ve read the Bible many times, I tithe faithfully, I love my family, I pray regularly. Isn’t it obvious that I love You?

But then I started thinking – that answer sounds a lot like what the Pharisees answer was, and Jesus said something like their hearts were far from God.

So I know that it is not a matter of what I have done, but why I have done these things. It is a matter of where my heart is. And do I do all those things because I love Jesus or because I’m trying to earn His favor and impress Him with all my good works.

Perhaps this is why I love Peter’s answer. It was a simple, “Yes Lord You know I love You.” He didn’t try to justify his answer. There was no need to. The Lord knew his heart.

Perhaps this is also why I love this prayer that I heard several years ago and that I find myself praying often, “Lord would You capture my mind’s attention and my heart’s affection.”



So this brings us to the end of the Gospel of John. For those of you who have been pondering along with me this year I hope you have enjoyed the journey. I will be blogging  rather randomly between now and the end of the year but will begin a new Pondering Project in January. You are, of course, invited to join me for the adventure. Stay tuned!


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