Pop Pop Epistle #81 – About Questions

Dear Grandkids,

Most people will tell you that I like to ask questions. You may have even noticed this yourself. Questions are awesome for several reasons but the biggest reason that I ask them is to get to know people better. The better that I know people the better I can understand them and encourage them and pray for them and the stronger our relationship will be.

I have found that most people will respond to a good question. So for the past 15 years I have been collecting questions. I know that sounds funny. People collect coins or stamps, or baseball cards, or trains, etc. How many people do you know that collect questions? Probably not many.

Anyway, because I value great questions I wanted to share some of my favorites with you. You can even ask them of me sometime if you want to. But mostly I hope you will find them useful to help you build strong relationships with the people you are around every day.

  • How have you observed God at work in your life in the past week?
  • What are you doing these days to nourish your soul?
  • What’s stressing you out right now, that you could do with a break from?
  • What do you say when people ask for one “fun fact” about you?
  • What are three things that most people would not know about you?
  • Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your 15 year old self?
  • What do you wish you had more time to do?
  • What are three things that are on your “bucket list.”
  • What is a book that you would recommend that you have read in the last year and why?
  • Is there a Scripture verse that you find yourself often going back to and why is it so special to you?
  • If you could start your education and career over what would you do differently?
  • What are some of your favorite apps?
  • What TV shows do you enjoy watching?
  • What are your all time favorite movies?
  • Do you have a personal mission statement and if so what is it?
  • If you had a full year with pay (and a job to come back to) what would you spend your time doing?
  • Describe 2 “defining moments” in your life.
  • What made you smile today?
  • What was your high/low of this past week?
  • What habits would you say most need to be built into your life?
  • What is the biggest challenge that you have dealt with in the past year?
  • If you could have one “do over” in your life what would you do differently?
  • What is something that you would like to be an expert in and why?
  • What one place would you like to travel to if given the chance?
  • One thing that you hope that you will be remembered for when you die is…
  • Describe the biggest risk you have ever taken and how it turned out.
  • How would you describe the perfect day.
  • What would you say is your proudest accomplishment?
  • How would you like me to pray for you?
  • What are 3 things in your life that you are most grateful for?
  • Tell me about the best vacation you have ever had.
  • What is the hardest lesson you have learned and how did you learn it?
  • What are a few of your favorite quotes?

Don’t be surprised if I ask you some of these as you grow up. And don’t be surprised if you start asking questions if people begin saying to you, “You’re just like your Pop Pop.”

Never forget that are very loved!

Pop Pop

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